It’s the end of another day.
You collapse onto the couch, look around your house, and wince at the piles of laundry, the sinks full of dishes, the toy-covered playroom floor, and the table that needs to be cleared and wiped down -- yet again.
The house is finally quiet. You're so tired; all you want to do is curl up and sleep. You quickly get ready for bed and try to relax, but all you can hear is, "Tidy me! Pick me up! Take care of me, or I'll be waiting for you in the morning!!" You finally fall into a restless sleep, your endless to-do lists swirling round and round in your mind...

As frum women with so much going on in our lives, we think that craziness must be the norm- it doesn't have to be that way!
Frum Minimalism presents a different way of looking at things: It isn’t HOW you’re organizing that is the issue- it’s WHAT you’re organizing.
Are your possessions serving you and your needs, or are you serving your possessions?
Frum Minimalism is not just a method- it’s a whole mindset: minimizing your possessions means maximizing all other aspects of your life.
A Frum Minimalism graduate can reset her house from its worst-possible state to clean, clear, and tidy in no more than twenty minutes. Yes, really. Frum Minimalism teaches you the methods to make this possible!

Hire me for an 'Organize with Ellie' session in Israel. My assistants and I will guide you using the three-step method for decluttering, and when we're done, you'll get to revel in your happy, minimalist home.
Learn and implement minimalist concepts via weekly video lessons. You'll receive worksheets, checklists, a dedicated WhatsApp group, and my book, 'Frum Minimalism' to accelerate your journey to decluttered joy.


Learn and implement minimalist concepts via weekly live lessons. You'll receive all the materials that online course participants receive, plus you'll enjoy the extra motivation that a live course offers.
I'm so glad you're here!
I'm a mother and wife living in Israel.
For years, I felt completely overwhelmed, utterly exhausted, and barely able to keep up with my daily tasks. I'd fall into bed feeling bad about all the things I didn't finish and knowing I'd have to start all over again in the morning.
I finally reached my breaking point. 'Enough!' I thought.
I no longer wanted just to survive —I wanted to THRIVE!
I tried countless productivity methods and devoured so many self-help books as I searched and searched for the perfect answer to dealing with the never-ending mess and stress.
But nothing clicked.

I spent a lot of time thinking about my struggle with organizing. At some point, it dawned upon me that, over the years, our family enjoyed amazing family vacations together- when packing and using the absolute minimum. It had always been so liberating to travel that way.
I started wondering if I could simply pretend I was going on a minimalist my own home.
Maybe, I thought, if I surround myself with only the things I need and no extras, I’ll feel the same liberation and freedom that I felt each time we traveled.
And that was when it hit me!
More organization wasn't the answer; decluttering was!
Once I understood and applied this concept, my entire life changed.
Letting go of excess things wasn't about cleaning up—it was about reclaiming my life!
I want every single frum woman to experience the freedom that I and all my course participants experience.
Together, we'll learn how to let go of things in order to reclaim your life!

Is Frum Minimalism a home organization method?I'm so glad you asked :) Frum Minimalism, unlike home organization courses, involves a mindset change. I won't teach you how to arrange your possessions; I teach you how to let go of possessions that are not serving your needs. Your issue is not your tidying skills; it's the fact that your home is filled with so many things that do not serve you and your family. Frum Minimalism teaches you to embrace what you truly need and to let go of that which you don't happily. We don't teach you to organize- we teach you to declutter so that you will never have to organize again!
But frum families have so much...stuff! How is this do-able?!You're right. The average frum family does have a lot of stuff. But it doesn't have to be that way. We don't need ten different serving bowls, five sets of school uniforms per child, or sky-high piles of games. We can live frum, fulfilled lives by carefully choosing the objects we want in our homes. Once you start going through your possessions methodically, asking yourself what you truly need and use, you'll be shocked to discover just how many things you can let go of.
Are you going to make me throw everything out?Absolutely not. Frum Minimalism is based on my three-step method- we empty out a space, clean it, and then invite back the objects that allow us to thrive. Will you throw out a lot? Yes, you will. And you will end up with a house filled only with the objects that make you happy and serve a purpose...and menuchas hanefesh that you have never experienced before.
What is frum about Frum Minimalism?When people hear 'minimalism,' they often picture a young adult solo traveling around the world, living off whatever he can fit into his backpack. Frum Minimalism is embracing the concepts of minimalism so that we can elevate our frum lives. By minimizing our possessions, we have more time to nurture ourselves physically and spiritually, which, in turn, allows us to be more present for our families. Frum Minimalism brings immeasurable serenity into our homes, allowing us to create a place in which the shechinah can rest.