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The Liberation of Tossing: Simplifying Laundry and Fostering Independence

Writer's picture: Ellie AzeradEllie Azerad

Hello there, friends!

Today, I want to share a revolutionary concept that transformed my approach to organizing and managing our clothing: the liberation of tossing. Before I embraced minimalism, I found myself trapped in the never-ending cycle of meticulously folding and organizing clothes, only to experience frustration and wasted time. The previous system of meticulously folded laundry felt like solving a challenging jigsaw puzzle. Each time we hurriedly tried to retrieve something, we ended up making a mess of the neatly arranged piles. It was frustrating to see the painstakingly folded clothes unravel and become disorganized. The more rushed we were, the more chaotic the puzzle became. It was a constant struggle to maintain the supposed orderliness we had created, and it often left us feeling defeated and overwhelmed. But, as I learned to work with my nature instead of against it, I discovered a game-changing solution that has simplified our lives and fostered independence for both myself and my children.

1. Letting Go of the Folding Obsession:

For many of us, folding laundry has been a tedious task that we dread. The pressure to achieve perfectly folded clothes and maintain meticulously organized closets can be overwhelming. As a minimalist, I realized that I could free myself from this burden and still maintain a tidy and functional space. I let go of the folding process for most of our clothing and embraced a new system.

2. Utilizing Tall Bins and Deep Drawers:

With a minimalist mindset, I discovered that using tall bins and deep drawers can be a game-changer. Even without meticulous folding, everything can still look incredibly tidy and organized. I label (and even put pictures on for young children) each bin and create compartments in drawers using drawer dividers, ensuring that each category of clothing has its designated space. By employing this method, I can easily see what we have and retrieve items effortlessly.

3. Saving Time and Nurturing Independence:

One of the greatest benefits of this system is the amount of time it saves. No longer do I need to spend precious hours folding laundry. Instead, I can focus on activities that bring me joy and fulfillment. But the benefits extend beyond personal time management. This system also empowers my children to take charge of their own clothing. Starting from as young as two years old, they can easily toss their clothing into the appropriate bins or drawers. It fosters a sense of independence and teaches them responsibility.

4. Immediate Action and Homemaking Involvement:

To maintain a streamlined system, immediate action is key. As soon as the laundry is done drying, involve your children in putting away their own clothing. Encourage them to take an active role in the homemaking process. If they are not available, take a few moments to do it for them to prevent accumulation. By involving children in these tasks, you teach them valuable life skills and instill a sense of responsibility.


The liberation of tossing has revolutionized the way I approach laundry and organization. By letting go of the folding obsession and working with my nature, I have created a simplified system that saves time and maintains a tidy appearance. Utilizing tall bins, deep drawers, and labeling, everything remains organized and easily accessible.

Moreover, this system fosters independence in children, allowing them to participate in the homemaking process from a young age. By involving them in putting away their own clothing, we teach them responsibility and provide them with essential life skills.

So, embrace the liberation of tossing! Free yourself from the folding burden and create a simplified, efficient, and organized system that supports your lifestyle and nurtures independence. Redirect your time and energy towards what truly matters, and watch as your home becomes a place of harmony and freedom.

Here's to more time for napping, pursuing our passions, and cherishing moments with loved ones!

P.S. I'm excited to share this story with you because it highlights the real impact that embracing the liberation of tossing can have on our lives. While editing the laundry chapter in my upcoming book, "Frum Minimalism", a course participant reached out to me unexpectedly. I hadn't even mentioned what I was working on, but she called to express her gratitude. She said, "Thanks for teaching me that I can just toss our stuff! I now nap because I toss." Can you believe it? She can now enjoy a daily nap because she's reclaimed the time she used to spend on folding. This perfectly illustrates my point—by simplifying our lives and letting go of unnecessary tasks, we create space for what truly matters. It's about freeing ourselves from the burden of excessive possessions so that we can devote our time and energy to the things we genuinely desire.

With warm regards,



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