Hi there! 🌟
First off, a HUGE welcome to all my new subscribers! I’m so excited you’re here! 😊
If you caught my class during the Shana Rishona Summit, I’d love to hear from you:
• What did you enjoy the most? 💬
• What line resonated with you? 🧐
• And what do you want to hear more about? 💡
I read every reply, so don’t be shy—I’d love your feedback! 💖
Here’s What to Expect Over Here:
Every once in a while, I’ll send you emails packed with value—think helpful tips, answers to common questions, and even some deep dives into topics you care about! 🌱
Got a burning question? Hit reply, and I’ll either respond directly to you or address it more in-depth (without sharing your info, of course!). 🙋♀️
I update it regularly with:
• Recipes for chaggim 🍽️
• Organization tips 📦
• Book reviews 📚
• And so much more! ✨
It’s basically your one-stop shop for all things minimalism and frum life—so go check it out! 😍
The Mindset Shift That Changed Everything💭
For years, I used to approach decluttering with the same question: “What can I get rid of?” 🤔 I’d walk into a space, pick a couple of items to toss, and feel like I’d done my part. But guess what? The clutter always came back! 😩
Then everything changed when I developed my system. Instead of asking, “What can I get rid of?” I started asking, “What do I actually want to invite back into my home?” 🙌
Here’s how it works: I don’t just sort through and purge items. I remove everything from a space. Completely. Then, I slowly and intentionally invite back only a select number of items. By invite only. 💖
Think about it: Would you let someone squat in your home, living there rent-free? Of course not! 🏠 But that’s exactly what happens when we let clutter take up space in our homes. Every single item we store takes up real estate—physically, mentally, and emotionally. If it doesn’t serve us, it’s just squatting there! 👀
What Are You Willing to Invite? 🏡
When I made this shift—focusing on what I was willing to invite into my life instead of what I was willing to get rid of—everything simplified. I stopped holding on to “just in case” items. I let go of the guilt around things I spent money on but didn’t use. 💸
Instead, I created a home filled only with items that truly add value to my life and my family’s life. 🌷
This isn’t about minimalism for the sake of minimalism. It’s about being intentional with what we allow into our homes so that we have more room for the people and experiences that matter most. 💖
When you are choosing what to invite back, ask yourself:
• Does this item truly add value to my life? 🧐
• Does it help me create the kind of home I want? 🏡
• Would I buy it again today if I didn’t already own it? 💡
The Key Step Most People Skip 🚨
Once you’ve chosen the items that truly serve your home, the next step is to give them a clear, intentional place.
This step is absolutely essential for creating lasting results:
• Define a Home for Everything: Every item should have a “home”—whether it’s a shelf, drawer, or bin—so it’s easy to find and put back.
• Be Realistic About Space: Only keep what comfortably fits in the space you have. I love teaching this with a funny analogy: if your space is overflowing, you need to “burp” it—like you would a baby! (Yes, it’s silly, but it works!) Imagine patting the back of the space and letting some of the contents out so it can “breathe.”
• Label Everything: This step is super important, even if it’s just you and your husband in the home right now. Labels aren’t just practical—they also send signals to your brain, helping to create order and reduce decision fatigue. (There’s actually science behind this!) Of course, if you have kids or cleaning help, labels are a lifesaver for keeping everyone on the same page.
• Focus on Accessibility: Keep items you use regularly in easy-to-reach spots. Less-used items can be stored elsewhere, but they should never crowd your everyday space.
For example, your Shabbos dishes deserve a designated cabinet, but they don’t need to compete with your everyday plates - every day plates belong in prime Real Estate, while your Shabbos dishes can go somewhere higher up.
Let’s Talk About My Signature Course The Minimalist Makeover 🥳
I am so passionate about helping you declutter your home, your life, and your mind. 💖
Right now, before Pesach is the PERFECT time to sign up!
Here’s What’s Included (and the REAL Value):
• The Full Frum Minimalism Course: $297 💸
• The Frum Minimalism Book: Normally $27 (plus shipping)
• “How to Pesach Clean in a Day” Workshop: Normally $57
• 2-Part Workshop on Raising Minimalist Kids: Normally $47
• Phone Usage Class: Normally $27
• Time Management Class: Normally $27
• Meal Planning Class: Normally $27
• PDFs, Charts, and Checklists: $97 📑
• 6-Month Membership to Our Exclusive Chat: $60 📱
• Access to the Course Participant Chat: Priceless 💬
The Total Value? Over $700! 💥
When you invest in this course, you’re not just decluttering your space. You’re investing in more Shalom Bayis, less stress, and more time for the things that truly matter. 💖
Here are some testimonials from other students just like you! 💬
“I am DONE being a slave to my stuff!” 😆You kept saying, "Your home is there to serve YOU. You should not be serving IT." That line really resonated with me. I am now the boss of my home, and I get to dictate what stays! I AM FREEEEE!!! 😍
“Elisheva, how can I thank you?” 🙏You saved my life by teaching me how to get organized and most importantly, how to get rid of belongings… This is about quality of life for the mother and the entire family. It’s all about happiness, calm, and enjoying the present! 🌟
Click here to grab the course >>>https://www.frumminimalism.com/theminimalistmakeover
Let’s make your home a place you LOVE to be in! ❤️
Did You Get Your FREE E-Book? 📘
If you signed up for the VIP Pass during the summit, you were supposed to receive my exclusive $9 e-book , “What to Do If Your Husband Doesn’t Want to Declutter.” for free!
BUT… there was a glitch, and I’m worried some of you might not have gotten it! 😳
If that’s you, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. Just hit reply to this email, and I’ll send it over to you personally! 💌
Warmly,Ellie 💖
P.S. Don’t forget to forward this email and share it with your friends—you don’t want them to miss out on this amazing opportunity! 😊
P.P.S. Grab my book Frum Minimalism. Trust me, you’ll love it! 😊
You can purchase it from Amazon and various locations in Israel.